sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2009

While fans of Starluck Online Casino were initially excited concerning the huge video poker wins made at the casino last month, one casino winner has recently admitted to feeling a little more anxious than usual. The lucky player netted over $736,000 from the casino after winning no less than three Royal Straight Flushes on a game of video poker. However, after paying out just $26,000, Starluck Online Casino found itself temporarily short of cash and stalled on making the remaining payments to the customer.The lengthy time between the winner’s payouts caused alarm bells to ring with players who had previously praised the prompt service of the Party-Gaming owned online casino. The casino winner was also “investigated” on three separate occasions by Starluck Online Casino, who subsequently delayed payouts further by claiming that it had not received the player’s documentation.
During this time, the winner’s anxiety levels mounted to such extremes that he decided to engage the services of an experienced gaming mediator, who claimed that he had “never heard of anything even close to it happening before in my eight years of internet gaming."Despite the mediator’s full support, the casino winner was forced to endure an excruciating few months wait before he finally received the winnings owed to him. Starluck Online Casino has suffered in the public relations stakes, managing to deter numerous new players from signing up by its less than adequate performance. It just goes to show that pulling off a large win is not always smooth sailing in the world of online casino gaming.

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